25 Desember, 2008

Teruntuk Ibuku tersayang

"A song for Mama"
by Boyz 2 Men

you taught me everything
and everything you've given me
i always keep it inside
you're the driving force in my life
there isn't anything
or anyone that i can be
and it just wouldn't feel right
if i didn't have you by my side
you were there for me to love and care for me
when skies were gray
whenever i was down
you were always there
to comfort me
and no one else can be
what you have been to me
you'll always be
you will always be the girl
in my life for all times

mama you know i love you
(oh you know i love you)
mama you're the queen of heart
your love is like
tears from the stars
mama i just you to know
lovin' you is like food to my soul

you're always down for me
have always been around for me even when i was bad
you showed me right from my wrong
(yes you did)
and you took up for me
when everyone was downin' me
you always did understand
you gave me strength to go on
there was so many times
looking back when i was so afraid
and then you come to me
and say to me
i can face anything
and no one else cando
what you have done for me
you'll always be
you will always be
the girl in my life

mama you know i love you
(oh you know i love you)
mama you're the queen of heart
your love is like
tears from the stars
mama i just you to know
lovin' you is like food to my soul

never gonna go a day without you
fills me up just thinking about you
i'll never go a day
without my mama

mama you know i love you
(oh you know i love you)
mama you're the queen of heart
your love is like
tears from the stars
mama i just you to know
lovin' you is like food to my soul
Selamat Hari Ibu....Terima Kasih duhai Ibuku...q kn slalu ingat sgala jasa, kasih sayang, do'a dan smangatmu....someday...i promise i will make your dreams come true...i will make you proud of me...n i will always pray for your health, happiness, and everything i do i will do it for you...terima kasih...thanks a bunch...arigato gozaimasu....te$ekkur ederim....sukria...jazakillah...matur nuwun sanget....for everything you do and give to me (^^maifa^^)

Kode Etik Guru

Kode Etik Guru Indonesia ditetapkan dalam Kongres X111 t:ahun 1973 di Jakarta, dan disempurnakan dalam Kongres XVI tahun 1989 di Jakarta, sebagai berikut :

Guru Indonesia menyadari, bahwa pendidikan adalah bidang pengabdian terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa , Bangsa, dan Negara, serta kemanusiaan pada umumnya.
Guru Indonesia yang berjiwa Pancasila dan setia pada Undang-undang Dasar 1945, turut bertanggung jawab atas terwujudnya cita-cita Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia 17 Agustus 1945. Oleh sebab itu, Guru Indonesia terpanggil untuk menunaikan karyanya dengan memedomani dasar-dasar sebagai berikut :

1.Guru berbakti membirnbing peserta didik untuk membentuk manusia Indonesia
seutuhnya yang berjiwa Pancasila.
2.Guru memiliki dan melaksanakan kejujuran professional.
3.Guru berusaha memperoleh informasi tentang peserta didik sebagai bahan melakukan
bimbingan dan pembinaan.
4.Guru rnenciptakan suasana sekolah sebaik-baiknya yang menunjang berhasilnya proses
5.Guru memelihara hubungan baik dengan orang tua murid dan masyarakat sekitarnya
untuk membina peran serta dan rasa tanggung jawab bersama terhadap pendidikan.
6.Guru secara pribadi dan bersama-sama mengembangkan dan meningkatican mutu dan
martabat profesinya.
7.Guru memelihara hubungan seprofesi, semangat kekeluargaan, dan kesetiakawanan
8.Guru secara bersama-sama memelihara dan meningkatkan mutu organisasi PGRI sebagai
sarana perjuangan dan pengabdian.
9.Guru melaksanakan segala kebijakan Pemerintah dalam bidang pendidikan.

Disarikan dari: http://blog.persimpangan.com/blog/2007/08/06/kode-etik-guru-indonesia/

Dedicated to My Daddy

Dear Daddy….
I love you with all my heart
And to me you are so bright
Every time I drop my tears
I feel you are somewhere near

When I had problems
You were always there to solve them
I thank God that HE gave such a great Daddy to me

Dear Daddy….
I pray day and night
Hope Daddy and Mommy are alright
I know God’s love and promises so true
That I pray HIM to help me
In making Daddy and Mommy’s dreams come true

Still fresh in my mind
When Daddy ask me to stay in the right line
Still fresh in my heart
Whatever happens you asked us not to be apart

Dear Daddy….
I hope you can see
That you mean the world to me
I hope you can hear
That with God beside me, I have no fear

Dear Daddy….
I’ll be a tough man
That through the pains and obstacles like great jungle
I will stay to struggle
And always be humble

Dear Daddy….
You are the only man that I love so much
With love that God’s given me
In learning about life and everything inside
I promise that I will make you proud
I will make our family live in better and happier life

Dear Daddy….
I believe you can see me there
Flying everywhere sometimes with no care
With pains that I should bear
But….believe me Daddy
I pray God not to think any man, but you
I pray God to close my heart till I have made your dream come true
I pray God that every step I take
Every word I say and every move I make
Are for no one but HE, mommy and you

Dear Daddy…
Feel no worry
Coz God always love and protect me
Just Smile
Coz with God’s guidance I can trough every mile
Dear Daddy….
I do miss you and I will wait you in my dream.




Fitriyah, Luluk Khoirul. 2008. Design and Fabrication of Eyeglass Dioptry Mesuarement Equipment using Two Lens Method Based on Microcontroller AT89S51. Thesis. Physics Departement. Science and Teknology Faculty. The State Islamic University (UIN) Malang.
Advisor : (1) Agus Mulyono, M.Kes. (2) Ahmad Nasichuddin, M.Ag.

Key words: Dioptry Mesuarement Equipment, Microcontroller AT89S51

To determine the strenght of eyeglass lens that suitable for heterophy is usually used a trial method. This method is uneffective because need many lens and sometimes is used Retinoskop Canon RK-F1 that the price so expensive.
The purpose of this thesis was to get dioptry measurement equipment of eyeglass (the strenght of lens) that suitable for the heterophy especially ametropia. The method used to determine lens strenght of eyeglass is two lens method which is combination of two dome shaped with the some focus value. The focus value used in this research is 25 cm.
The sample of this research obtained from student Islamic State University (UIN) of Malang who used the eyeglass. The data collecting start on February-March 2008. Then the data was analysed and compared with the results of check-up in the optic that to determined the plessision of the strenght of convex lens of eyeglass using two lens method.
The result of examination to dioptry dome shape of glasses, in controlling system in order microcontroller AT89S51, motor stepper, even liquid cristal display (LCD) it can be coneluded that using the design can determinate the strenght of lens that identical with the optic mesuarement. Using the method shows the relative miscalculate about 8.09%.


Fitriyah, Luluk Khoirul. 2008. Perancangan dan Pembuatan Alat Ukur Dioptri Kacamata dengan Menggunakan Metode Dua Lensa Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89S51. Skripsi. Jurusan Fisika. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi. Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Malang.
Pembimbing: (1) Agus Mulyono, M.Kes. (2) Ahmad Nasichuddin, M.Ag.

Kata kunci: Alat Ukur Dioptri, Mikrokontroler AT89S51

Untuk menentukan nilai kuat lensa kacamata yang cocok bagi penderita cacat mata, biasanya digunakan metode coba-coba. Metode tersebut dapat dikatakan kurang efektif karena membutuhkan lensa yang banyak. Kadang juga digunakan retinoskop canon RK-F1 yang harganya sangat mahal.
Dalam skripsi ini tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah untuk menghasilkan alat ukur dioptri (kuat lensa) kacamata yang cocok bagi penderita cacat mata khususnya cacat mata ametropia. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan kuat lensa kacamata adalah metode dua lensa yaitu gabungan dua lensa cembung dengan nilai fokus yang sama. Nilai fokus yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 25 cm.
Penelitian ini mengambil sampel Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Malang yang berkacamata. Data dikumpulkan pada bulan Februari-Maret 2008, data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dan hasilnya dibandingkan dengan hasil pemeriksaan di toko-toko optik untuk menentukan ketelitian pada alat ukur kuat lensa dengan menggunakan metode dua lensa.
Dari hasil pegujian terhadap alat ukur dioptri kacamata melelui sistem pengontrol baik pengontrol mikrokontroller AT89S51, motor stepper maupun liquid cristal display (LCD) dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan alat ukur dioptri kacamata metode dua lensa dapat menentukan kuat lensa kacamata sesuai dengan hasil perbandingan nilai kuat lensa hasil pemeriksaan di toko optik. Pemeriksaan dengan menggunakan metode dua lensa menunjukkan nilai kesalahan relatif sebesar 8.09%.




Rahman, 2008, Otomatisasi Parkir Kendaraan Berbasis Mikrokontroler AT89S51. Skripsi Jurusan Fisika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Malang.

Dosen Pembimbing : I. Ahmad Abtokhi, M. Pd.

II. Munirul Abidin, M.Ag

Kata Kunci: Otomatisasi, Parkir, Mikrokontroler AT89S51.

Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk membuat otomatisasi parkir kendaraan berbasis mikrokontroler AT89S51. Karena di kota-kota besar pertumbuhan jumlah kepemilikan mobil sangat cepat, sehingga pengaturan tempat parkir mengalami kesulitan apalagi pada tempat-tempat keramaian seperti parkir pada gedung bertingkat dan tempat-tempat perbelanjaan (swalayan-swalayan). Hal ini menyebabkan perlunya cara pengaturan tempat parkir yang mudah dan baik.

Selama ini pengaturan parkir dilakukan secara konvensional membutuhkan banyak tenaga kerja atau karyawan yang dipekerjakan untuk membantu kelancaran pengaturan tempat parkir. Hal ini jelas tidak efisien karena membutuhkan banyak waktu untuk mendapatkan informasi tempat parkir, apakah tempat parkir tersebut masih ada yang kosong atau sudah penuh.

Dari hasil perancangan, pengujian dan anlisis sistem otomatisasi parkir kendaraan berbasis mikrokontroler AT89S51 ini mampu memberikan informasi pada pengemudi mobil tentang lokasi parkir yang masih kosong pada area parkir.

20 Desember, 2008

"Mother of Light"

It always put me on the edge,
To think of all the spoilt lives
Today I'm one step further
Not sure if I've survived myself

Reality is sometimes stranger than fiction
Whatever happens in my dreams
I know it can't be worse than this
So I prefer to sleep

I am searching
~ without vision ~
For the answers in the dirt

I am waiting
~ just for nothing ~
For the day that I'll be heard

You're the sea in which I'm floating
And I lose myself in you
I am feeling these sensations
I communicate with you

I am looking
~ without vision ~
For a different kind of way

I am thinking
~ just for nothing ~
About that specific day

You're the night so you're the dark side
Of the day you'll never see
You're the past but everlasting
Can you share one day with me?

You're the hand that I rejected
But I can't forgive myself
I am selfish and not worthy
To think of, even to die for

Tomorrow, don't know where I'll be
I need some place to go now
So do you know the way I feel
Or shall I give up my belief?

You?re the lock I've never opened
'Cause I threw away the key

I'm enclosed within my own thoughts
That will never set me free

You're the question to the answer
And without there'll never be
Any thought in this direction
You've created this in me

Serenity is taking over all I am, it gives me peace
And all I see are visions of my destiny
Why should I bleed and pay for the others' greed?

We consciously sign our own sentence of death
How can you go on, did you forget
What we have learned from the past?
We can't go on killing ourselves
And with us all the rest
Why can't you see, don't you regret?

I am alone with all my thoughts
Alone without a hope and
I lost the thing I needed most
I feel I can't survive this fall


the lyrics of the song reminds me of my friend in someplace somewhere and sometime.....T_T